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by Penelope Bent-Lippincott
I have been photographing women professionally all of my adult life. This year marks my Fortieth year in this industry; and needless to say, I am so very grateful for all the amazing women that I have shared this exciting experience with, and for all that I have learned.
My camera lens has been a very intimate and private doorway into the lives and the emotions of the women I have photographed; and I thank them all for trusting in this most intimate and creative process.
I began my career as a Boudoir Photographer and then on to Fashion as the years passed. Being one of the very few female shooters at the time allowed for a much more honest narrative and collaboration with my clients.
Through those early years, I learned how to angle and adjust my subject for that "Perfect Picture;" but more than that, I learned "Visual Design." I also learned about a woman's spirit, illusion, and light.
I learned the Art of a Woman's Individual Style and how her Style Transitions with age.
Here is what I learned Through My Lens.
PART 18 Change is Inevitable
Change is Inevitable. Now there is a statement! “Life can change in the instant,” writes Joan Didion in her Pulitzer winning Biography/Autobiography, "The Year of Magical Thinking."
When I think of all the hours that go into the planning of an Editorial Photo Shoot. . . . the selection of the designer, location, model, makeup artist, hair designers, conceptual meetings, story boards and the list goes on and on. THEN in a blink of an eye Everything Changes! Someone is late, the weather doesn't cooperate, equipment failures, etc., etc., etc.
What to do? Well, in my experience on any Photo Set as in Life "Ya Wing It!"
1. You keep cool — staying composed is one of the most important aspects because it allows you to quickly review your options.
2. Stay loose, without flexibility the creative process is denied.
3. Don't Blame. There usually is no intention of harm, Shit Happens! That includes not blaming yourself! Without contrast how could we possibly determine what we like and what we don't like.
4. Be kind, even if the situation disturbs you. Kindness is contagious!
5. Keep your sense of humor. Life can throw you such a curve that at times you don't know whether to laugh or to cry. Laughing is always the perfect choice! Why, you ask? Because laughter is healing. It lightens your Spirit and reminds you that a new day will dawn.
6. Do your business and get off of the Pity Pot! Allow as little time for self pity as possible; it accomplishes very little and has a tendency to keep you stuck.
7. Make a decision — Any decision! But don't be afraid to make a decision. Go or Stay, Save or Spend. Decisions are magical because, honestly, you never know what their influence will have on your situation.
Lastly, always remember, as in most Photo Shoots, we can do it again. It might cost us, there might be a new cast of characters, we might be working with a revised plan, but we can DO IT AGAIN!