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by Penelope Bent-Lippincott
I have been photographing women professionally all of my adult life. This year marks my Fortieth year in this industry; and needless to say, I am so very grateful for all the amazing women that I have shared this exciting experience with, and for all that I have learned.
My camera lens has been a very intimate and private doorway into the lives and the emotions of the women I have photographed; and I thank them all for trusting in this most intimate and creative process.
I began shooting in the late seventies and early eighties as a Boudoir Photographer and then on to Fashion as the years passed. Being one of the very few female shooters at the time allowed for a much more honest narrative and collaboration with my clients.
Through those early years, I learned how to angle and adjust my subject for that "Perfect Picture;" but more then that, I learned "Visual Design." I also learned about a woman's spirit, illusion, and light.
I learned the Art of a Woman's Individual Style and how her Style Transitions with age.
Here is what I learned Through My Lens.
PART 14 Looking Back
I read recently that the "average person is a resenter, a resister, or a regretter. "WOW the three “R’s!” I really had to think about this! What a BUMMER!
Then I realized I had just recently had a conversation with a dear, longtime friend only to listen to her rant regarding the monies that she believes her ex-husband still owes her. Now keep in mind they have been divorced for over thirty-five years! Or my wonderful Auntie who blamed her husband until her dying day for their losses in the stock market, and then on to our political parties, talk about resistance — no team effort there.
Maybe I am just a crazy fool, but I have such faith and confidence in the Game of Life! I love Living, Creating, Expressing, Enjoying, and Feeling; and if along the way there is pain and heartbreak, so be it. I believe it is all part of the Evolution of One’s own Life.
Do I look back over my life and ask, “What the BLEEP was I thinking?” YOU BET! Do I get angry and ashamed of myself? NO! Why, because all of my experiences have been part of my Expressive Journey, my New Invention, my Own Original Spark of Contribution to Humankind. It's All Mine! The Good, the Great, & the God Awful!
I believe in only one "R," REFUSE! I refuse to Blame others; no one held my hand to the flame. I Refuse to make excuses for my Stupid Choices; without them I would never have Learned Valuable Life Lessons. I Refuse to Stop Loving; because loving encourages me to Take Chances!
I believe this life, this journey, this experience is a Gift — one that I will never ignore or take for granted.
I Refuse to sit on the sidelines of this Amazing Game. I Choose to play in the mud. I Choose to create my masterpieces, enjoying their success or failures; and when I get knocked down, I Choose to get back up and Continue to Move On — On to the next Inning, Quarter, or Volley with Love in My Heart and Excitement for what Might Be.
I think we should focus on Fewer “R’s” in our lives and More “C’s,” Choice, Confidence, and Courage.
My amazing husband and greatest cheerleader, a College Football guy, who has definitely been in the Game, always reminds me of Rule #1, "Never look at the Scoreboard during the Game, Only when it is Over!
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Behind the Scenes: 2017 Winter Collection

Behind the Scenes: 2017 Winter Collection

EDITOR:Producer's Notes FUSE Fashion Mag COM October Issue 2012

FUSE Fashion Magazine Cover Model Raegan Roche Spring 2012.m4v

Fashion Designer, Eli Daniel Odisho
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